Sacred Smudge Bundle


White Sage ~ Sage is proven to neutralize negative energy. Smudging with sage is a powerful tool in spiritual practice. Burning sage improves awareness and focus.

Palo Santo ~ Energetically cleanses and purifies an area. Also grounds you, raises your vibration, enhances creativity and brings good fortune.  

Selenite crystal ~ Clear spiritual, emotional, and physical energy blocks from the body. This stone carries a very high vibration that instills a deep sense of inner peace. clarity, and focus. 

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White Sage ~ Sage is proven to neutralize negative energy. Smudging with sage is a powerful tool in spiritual practice. Burning sage improves awareness and focus.

Palo Santo ~ Energetically cleanses and purifies an area. Also grounds you, raises your vibration, enhances creativity and brings good fortune.  

Selenite crystal ~ Clear spiritual, emotional, and physical energy blocks from the body. This stone carries a very high vibration that instills a deep sense of inner peace. clarity, and focus. 

White Sage ~ Sage is proven to neutralize negative energy. Smudging with sage is a powerful tool in spiritual practice. Burning sage improves awareness and focus.

Palo Santo ~ Energetically cleanses and purifies an area. Also grounds you, raises your vibration, enhances creativity and brings good fortune.  

Selenite crystal ~ Clear spiritual, emotional, and physical energy blocks from the body. This stone carries a very high vibration that instills a deep sense of inner peace. clarity, and focus.